• CBSE Affiliation No. 1030655
  • School Code : 50623
  • Dise Code : 23260103724

Rules And Guidelines:

1.Absenteeism :

Students must attend all exams unless ill. In case of absence due to illness, a medical certificate and a parent’s written application are required. No re-exam will be given.

2.Discipline :

Serious violations (misbehavior, cheating, altering marks) will result in dismissal and removal from the school register.

3.Cheating :

Any student caught cheating or attempting to cheat (e.g., gestures, whispering, changing seats, using cheat sheets) will receive a zero and may face dismissal.

4.Exam Tools :

Calculators are not allowed. Logarithm tables may be used. Writing on the question paper is prohibited and considered an attempt to cheat. A rough column may be used if necessary.

5.Searches :

Students may be searched or questioned by invigilators during the exam if needed.

6.Consequences :

Breaching exam rules can lead to expulsion from the exam room or cancellation of papers.

6.Final Decisions :

No disputes will be entertained regarding these rules. All decisions are final.

These rules emphasize discipline, integrity, and fairness during exams.