• CBSE Affiliation No. 1030655
  • School Code : 50623
  • Dise Code : 23260103724

Tours & Excursions

At Itma Vidya Niketan, we believe that education is more than the four walls of a classroom. Our field visit programs are designed to provide students with hands-on experience. cultural enrichment and the opportunity to experience the world firsthand These carefully planned trips complement our academic curriculum and encourage skills such as teamwork. leadership and adaptation

Program objectives:

Educational Enrichment: Visit historical monuments. science center and museums to gain a deeper understanding of the content.

Cultural awareness: Visiting places of cultural significance. Help students appreciate India's rich heritage and diversity.

Highlights of our tour:

Local excursions: Day trips to nearby attractions such as the Botanical Gardens. Wildlife sanctuary and art gallery Annual Educational Tours: Multi-day tours to destinations such as Jaipur, Delhi and Mysore that combine learning and exploration.

Cultural Exchange Activities: Opportunities to interact with students from other schools or areas to share experiences and ideas.

Our tours and excursions are led by experienced teachers and experts to ensure safety and provide a meaningful learning experience. We aim to spark curiosity. Cultivate values and create unforgettable memories for our students throughout these journeys.

Every trip to Itma Vidya Niketan is a step towards a brighter and more informed future!


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